POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : declaring variables and float operations : declaring variables and float operations Server Time
5 Nov 2024 09:26:39 EST (-0500)
  declaring variables and float operations  
From: DeathMacabre
Date: 18 Feb 2000 23:35:51
Message: <38AE1DAB.5AEDA8A1@fcmail.com>
after reading the pov ray help file i am left with a question
why does the following line not work?
#declare ZPos = RCon-XPos;
before this line the variables RCon and XPos are declared and set to 2.3
and 0 respectively
however, it returns an error saying that an object or directive was
expected but a while (the beginning of the next line) was found instead

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